Thursday, April 12, 2012

Just got back from my four day weekend in Paris over bastile

Hello, I have just gotten back from a four day weekend in Paris with my boyfriend over Bastile, it was my 23rd birthday on the 12th July.Because the posts on this forum helped me so much I wanted to put my experiences up to help others.

We arrived in Paris on Friday morning and decided to leave our bags at the Gare de Nore and have a walk around the beautiful city. We had a stroll into Montmartre and stumbled across the sacre Coeur which was amazing, we were very lucky to find it. It was very moving. We then walked down to the Moulin Rouge as we had booked tickets for the following evening and had not received a confirmation email.

At the Moulin rouge the staff were very helpful and printed me off a special ticket to show at the door so that put my mind at rest because that was the night of my actual birthday. We decided that after all that walking we should stop and have some lunch and we happened to walk past a Cafe that had a very large picture of Amelie inside, as this is my boyfriends favourite film we decided to have a drink and some food. It was only once we had a proper look around we realised that this was where the film had been filmed. Needless to say that he was very happy!

We then decided to go and check into our hotel which was in the 17th. Because the sun was shining and it was very warm we headed into the centre. We had decided to go to the Louvre because it is open later on a Friday and also it is reduced price after 6pm. Once we had said hello to the famous lady and some of her friends we looked at our map and made the decision to walk to the effiel tower. Big mistake, it took us over an hour and my feet hurt so much by the time we got there that when I saw the very large queues I really couldn%26#39;t face standing in them to go up.

We decided to have a walk into Place de Costa Rica and have a drink and it was very nice down there! We went back to the effiel tower at 11pm and the queue was alot shorter however 10min before we got to the front they shut down the top floor, so we only got to go to the 2nd, still got some awesome photos though. Then it was off to bed and to sleep!

The next day we had to be up early because we had reserved a place on Bike about tours morning tour to celebrate my birthday! I was a bit worried that it would be dangerous however after doing it I can assure anyone it is very safe. I can understand why it is the number one thing to do in Paris on this website because Paul was amazing and I learnt and saw so much of Paris doing this (it did hurt my bum though!).We wondered around for the rest of the afternoon, just taking in Paris. Then on the evening we headed out to the Moulin Rouge for the show. We had booked the earlier show and was expecting a big queue but we pretty much walked straight in. We received a whole bottle of champagne and got very merry. We were sat on a table with a couple, the girl was american and the man was english, and started chatting with them and had an excellent evening! The show was enjoyable and the company was excellent. We got on so well we walked to a nearby bar afterwards and had a few drinks! As we were coming out the queue to get into the evening show was so far down the street we couldn%26#39;t see the end, so we were thankful that we had booked the earlier one.

On Sunday we need to have a lie in as our heads were hurting! By the time we got up we had decided that we wanted to go to the Arc de Triomphe and then walked down the champs elysee! Then it was on to the musee D%26#39;orsy which was a great place and the restaurant there gave us the best lunch we had experienced however it did cost!! After this we went on a boat cruise along the Seine and did some more wondering and people watching! On the evening we went for dinner at a gorgeous restaurant and then afterwards we headed to the local firestation to join in on the balls that they have on the eve of Bastile!

Our last day was Bastile day and I was very sad we were going to have to leave. We packed and left our bags at the Gare de Nore again and wondered down to the promenade plantee which was idylic in many ways and you really go to see some of real paris. We also got to see a bit of the parade from here. We spent the day just walking around taking it all in and wishing we didn%26#39;t have to go home. Had some more gorgeous food and eventually made our way out to the airport!

I had the best birthday and I fell in love with Paris, as this is my first visit. I will definetly return and am trying to convince my boyfriend we should move there.


Thanks for your report and happy birthday!


Happy Birthday and excellent report.


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