Friday, March 23, 2012

Versailles- not a fun day

Just been -it was the day before Bastille Day - bad pick of a day its true.But this is only July -shudder to think what its like in August ;I queued for nearly 3 hours in the sun and it really wasn%26#39;t worth it - finally some higher up appeared and opened more ticketlines inside the door but this was overall not le fun at all -felt really sorry for folks with little kids and the elderly -give it a miss if you can%26#39;t get there at opening times I%26#39;d say -at least the train was great to go back to Paris -standing up again!


That%26#39;s why I travel in the spring or the fall.


Sorry you had such a long wait in the ticket line, it must have been miserable. Many of us on TA recommend having the Museum pass just for that reason. You bypass the ticket line and go straight through the security line.

I hope you at least had an enjoyable time walking through the gardens.


Or purchase the Forfait Loisirs, which will also eliminate the need to queue.…en


Wow 3 hours . . . I keep reading about the long lines at Versailles. When I went, in June, several years back, we arrived around lunch no lines at all and we didn%26#39;t even have a museum pass . . . it was a Saturday and the fountains were on. Must have been lucky that day. Glad I saw it but wouldn%26#39;t even think of spending 3 hours in line to do so. . .

sorry for the experience -


Good to warn others, but yes, the Museum Pass would have eliminated one line. Versailles is certainly worth seeing, however, once you%26#39;re there, you can%26#39;t exactly leave and do say, the Louvre, instead.


We visited Versailles in high season back in July of %26#39;05 and we bought our tickets along with our train ride at the station; we just walked right in. If you can, it%26#39;s always helpful to purchase tickets to museums before you leave. Nobody wants to spend vacation waiting in long lines. What has been helpful to us: purchase in advance and/or arrive first thing in the morning to beat the tourist groups.


I am going to Paris next month and had been deciding about Versailles. I had read on this forum that due to construction at Versailles that the there was only one line. The preferred line for use with the museum pass was not open. Is that true?


Here%26#39;s what we found in June, it could be different now...first, the construction I did not find a big deal at all. In fact, the tarp covering the outside where construction is going on is an artwork/tarp with the design of the building so you have to look twice. Then we found two long lines, the first to buy tickets (skipped with our Museum Pass) and the second for security, which you need to wait in regardless. I think it helps to get there when the place opens, not 11 p.m. when we arrived -- crowded.


I%26#39;ve been to Versailles once, and fortunately it was a Sunday in July when the fountains were on display, which was quite festive.

But honestly, I think the inside is vastly overrated. I show pictures of the various rooms, the hall of mirrors, and the like, and I tell my friends %26quot;the pictures make it seem far more impressive than it actually was in person%26quot;.

I%26#39;m glad I went once, but I%26#39;d NEVER go back again...and I%26#39;ve been to Paris 10 times.


yes I agree re the inside of Versailles being less than standout -the chateaux of the Loire where I am now are much more interesting ; a bit institutionalized and %26#39; keep moving this way madame %26#39;

and yes I tried to buy train and +palace tickets in advance but the bored looking girl at Gare Montparnasse said %26#39;no%26#39; and was not forthcoming with alterntatives -didn%26#39;t want to buy a museum pass as had not a lot of time to redeem - however this has been the only down note on the whole trip thus far - and wait till I get to the Chartres day- now theres a standout- anf no crowds...

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