Just curious here, as wherever we travel to there always seems to be a few, although I haven%26#39;t seen any in Paris.
Don%26#39;t get me wrong, if we wanted an Irish bar we%26#39;d stay at home, as I said just curious!!
Don%26#39;t ask me where, but I know we saw several.
I went to a pub a couple of doors down from Moulin Rouge that wasn%26#39;t too bad. I%26#39;d prefer a %26#39;real%26#39; pub in Ireland, though!
There%26#39;s one in place St-Germain des Prés, right across Bd Saint-Germain from Les Deux Magots.
And, in sync with suzanne, I%26#39;m sure I%26#39;ve seen several on the way into and out of town on the Roissybus, but God help me to remember what streets they are on. My advice, therefore, is to take the Roissybus in, and pay attention, including writing down the names of the streets you see them on. Or maybe your memory isn%26#39;t as full as mine...
They%26#39;re all over Paris. I can think of three within a few blocks of where I%26#39;m sitting. Guinness beer signs are almost as common as Kronenbourg beer signs on the front of bars.
There%26#39;s even an Australian pub in Paris....
There is one in Rue St Denis, but perhaps there are more interesting things to be found there.
Just down from the Moulin Rouge is the Irish Pub, Corcoran%26#39;s, on Blvd De Clichy and Avenue Rachel. Good place for a Pint and to catch up on the local Irish sports.
Quigley%26#39;s Point (which I always think should be Quigley%26#39;s *Pint*)...
5, Rue Jour
75001 Paris, France
Ther is one really good at rue Delambre, Montparnasse (close to Hotel Lenox). Think that is an special music presentation on thurdays.
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